For those who missed the memo, RSS is the latest XML-derived innovation to hit the web; basically you can wrap your various messages, pronouncements, edicts, what-have-you, in an xml block produced by your particular message generator/formatter. This can then be loaded by an RSS-capable app or newsreader. In addition, there are dozens of RSS aggregators out on the net, which can consolidate news and information from the multitude of syndicated columns, blogs and news sites out in Web’o’Dale, and proffer it up in easy-to-digestbudles for the data-starved. This is rapidly becoming the alternative publication tool of choice for blog sites (like mine), and I finally got mine working!…Muhahaha…ha……Sorry, got carried away with the geek-feelinz there 🙂 I’ll be testing this out over time, espeically with regards to the various articles that I expect to be posting from here and my main site. Cool, a dat dem seh. (I got that from Kev – later, bro!)